Keywords – Important underlying principles

Imagination -> Will -> Energy

Thought and Thought

Imagination -> Will -> Energy: Are three key aspects in Ritual working. Thought and Thought: Are two key aspects when working with other intelligences.

Imagination -> Will -> Energy

Take the banishing ritual of the pentagram for an example.penta Imagination: You visualise the pentagram.  This gives use a outline, a template, a point of focus.  Our mental creation. Will: We give this creation purpose, direction, intent.  Force.  The purpose of “Banishing”. Energy: Whether directing energy, vibrating, etc. Energy gives it form.  While penetrable on our physical plane, noticeable only by those sensitive enough, the energy gives it form on other planes. Two principles formed from these three actions are:  Force and Form. Visualisation is our Imagination.  The working with the intent of banishing is our Will.  And the vibration or raising and releasing of energy into the visualised image is our Energy.

Thought and Thought

In a simplified sense we have two layers of thought, thus the title “Thought and Thought”. Questions: What language do people who speak Spanish think in?  What language do people who speak English think in?  What language to bi-lingual people think in? Bi-lingual people can think in either language for the exact same thought.  This is the first Thought, the thought they can think in either language.  The second thought isn’t actually a thought, but is rather what we consider the thought: The expression in language.  Before we had language, how would we understand our thoughts?  Did we just not think, because we did not have language? The point of this is based on understanding why spirit communication can be confusing or not make sense.  The spirits know the first thought, the thought before we put it into words.  When they communicate, it is on the layer of the first thought, and we then interrupt that into something we can understand: Language, images, etc. Though this is definitely not the only form of communication.  Hearing a voice completely foreign to your own, or seeing an image or form before you are different.  This “Thought and Thought” is a way of understanding the mind for both communicating with spirits and other mental workings, for nested within this concept are some ideas around “Telepathy”. I was planning on writing on these further down the track, and expanding on them dramatically.  However, I have decided to share now (don’t know why I changed my mind, just felt the impulse to blog).  They are not “secret” but seem to be little known, forgotten or misunderstood aspects of Magick.  And in my opinion are very important principles to know.

Bubblewrapping: On a sensatives advice to my partner.


Just recently I had a visitor to my home while I was not there.  While there, this “sensitive” said there is intense energy in the house and that I (as in me) should know better and balance it.  And claimed it is because of this intense energy that everything is intense at the moment.

  1. It is a living space and is due to collect up the energies of those who live there.
  2. The intense energy has not cause the intense situation to occur, rather the intense situation has caused the intense energy to occur (refer to 1).

Intense energy is a necessity in intense situations.  Think of an Athlete going into a relaxed state when supposed to be sprinting, or a caveman who’s survival instinct is intense, dulls this intense energy and just wanders away from the sabre-tooth tiger.  The energy keeps you focused and keeps you in the situation.  The goal is not to run and hide, but to confront.

One example from my own experience, while developing will:
I thought I was fine, nothing to stand in my way.  Then I discovered I had a “Vice”… Oh no!  I decided to use it as my focus for the development of will.  On the night after the first day I made the choice to challenge this obsession, I dreamt about it.  Then found myself the next morning, losing restraint and shortly after feeling disgusted in myself that I faltered.  I reprimanded myself, found a way to remove something for a period of time as punishment and tried again.  I did not run into the Forest to become a hermit and hide myself from the “vice”, this “obsession”.  Instead I confronted it head on.  I did not surround myself with crystals, prayers and complex rituals.  I did it with Mind alone.  Why?…


Strength of mind, strength of Will and the confidence that comes with.  A psychic told me at that early time that they detected a negative force or oppressing spirit.  When later meeting with this psychic after beating my obsession, she questioned what I had done. I replied, “I treated it like any habit or addiction.  I over came it with Will”.
Whether what at the time was an “entity” or merely her way of interrupting a negative aspect she could pick up on in me, is of no real concern.  The concern now is that I am stronger.  If I had not confronted and challenged it myself I would not have learned what I have about myself, and I would not have taken these first steps into understanding the difference between “Will” and “Desire”.

The same is to be said of working with energy.  This sensitive who came to my home said she can feel intense (seems to be her buzz word) forces coming from my sacred space which made her feel dizzy and sick.

Those forces did that to me once too. But exposing myself to these “intense” energies, I became accustomed to them; Strengthened (my buzz word).  When my “sensitivity” first started to show, I couldn’t enter a cemetery without feeling like I just hit something dense.  And could only be there for a few minutes before intense headaches kicked in.  Now I either shut off completely (depends on my mood, it can be quite distracting, and I only started doing this once I noticed it wasnt having the negative affects on my anymore) or I still feel it but it just does not have those negative affects.

The energies that she is claiming are intense, are nothing compared to what I was working with shortly after ending my involvement in the Golden Dawn system (which I will add was what caused and cured my sensitivity issues: via works such as the rituals of the pentagram, middle pillar and the use of the Tattwa, etc).  The most intense of which was the Enochian System.  Even after one use, someone who “apparently” is not a sensitive that leaned on my altar, after dropping and picking up one of my books, said they could feel a vibrating or buzzing in their hand.  I think it was more they wanted to play with the colorful tools on the altar, and got a fright when touching the altar itself (I now pack away my stuff after ritual).  Anyway…

If you bubble wrap yourself, you will always have to bubble-wrap yourself.  Kind of like those parents who make their kids wear helmets in fear they will fall over… they are kids, they are going to fall over.  But what happens when they do, is that it doesn’t hurt their head.  They don’t learn the “hard-way” and when they remove the helmet and fall over they don’t protect their head, nor do they expect it to hurt.

Kind of like the cuteness of toddlers when they first start potty training. Thanks to that safety net of a padded nappy, they are so used to just dropping down to sit, that when they sit down with that same amount of force without that added padding they get quite a fright.  Not expecting or understanding why it hurt they quite often burst into tears.

Take off the Nappy!  Learn not to sit down with so much force.  And that way you can stop shitting yourself.

A couple of Resources…

We all start our journey as fledglings attempting to fly… here I am sharing a couple of resources I used back in my first few months of researching Wicca and Magick.

This first site I am sharing, I found in 2005 (nearly 10 years ago), I managed to contact the owner of it, and she gave me some advice and helped me.  However, it seems this site is just a backup of the original, and nothing has changed.

It maybe of use to someone, it was to me in the early stages… however, my views have changed dramatically since using this site and I no longer agree with all the content.

The second link I will be sharing I discovered when noticing Silver Dawn Dragon’s Astral Travel section was incomplete.  During correspondence with her (and the address, I discovered she was Australian, so looked for an Australian author who wrote on the subject… but was free… as I was keeping my interests very concealed at this time (glad to say I was never one of those plate-sized pentacle wearing attention seeking teens).  I came across and author named Robert Bruce and his work “New Energy Ways”.


NEW ENERGY WAYS V2: Energy Body Manipulation, Development & Self-Healing System.  by Robert Bruce

Robert Bruce, in this work, had something I still agree with today.  The No Visualisation idea.  Though I employ visualisation, I believe in the beginning that focusing more on the “Sensations” is more important than the use of visualisation.  Prior to ritual work, visualisation is still a great tool, and I do not believe in its total omission.  Its importance in the direction of energy and astral work can not be over looked.

Higher Power and Inner Power

The theory I hold in the use of different types of energy in magick is based on my studies prior to becoming Wiccan.  They have base in Ceremonial magick and align similarly to the Grimoires on Planetary magick.

I recently posted a comment in regard to why someone’s spells were not working.  In it I left in brackets atleast twice to my knowledge reference to Emotional energy.

My Theory…
The body divided into Physical Body, Soul and Spirit.  Each of these three parts have multiple aspects within them.  It is believed that “Emotional” is part of the soul.  The “Emotional Body” can be allegedly read by psychics along with the Aura (though I can see a form of aura around a subject, it has not been of any real interest of mine.  The ability to recognise sensations, disruptions, etc, of my own sphere of sensation (aura) was about as far as I went with it), which is also known as our etheric double and the intermediary between the “Physical Body” and the “Soul”.  Simplifying one theory, it is like the glue.

Emotional Energy, raised from within can be directed in anyway without intelligence or, lets say “Guidance” from a Higher Power.  If we look at the planetary magick I referred to early, when working with planetary spirits, you first Invoke the Arch Angel, then the Intelligence, then the Spirit.  As the Spiritual entity is a raw or blind force, aligned to neither good or evil.  If we liken this to ourselves the Arch Angel would be our spirit, our higher will, higher self, etc.  This inhibits any activity contradictory to its goal.  The Intelligence would be our own consciousness.  Our knowledge of good and evil and how to apply it to meet our ends and direct our energy.  The Spirit, in this example would be our Emotional Energy, a raw and blind force, which without guidance can be used for… well anything.  Though unguided, uncontrolled, it can go wrong and horribly so.

In Wicca, we cast a circle to keep out the negative, and hold in the positive forces.  We call the elements (the elements make up aspects of Spirit) and then the God and Goddess (or a specific God or Goddess, dependant on the working).  Regardless the energy we raise, our work is under the “guidance” of applicable deities.  By (in one theory) calling the Elements, we awaken them in our own spirit, another guidance.  Then we preform the ritual.

With the earlier example, the “Arch Angel” would be the God/dess invoked.  The “Intelligence” would be our ritual designed, planned and executed.  The “Spirit” would then be the force raised, the energy; whether emotional as mentioned, raised through dance, chant, etc.

Ultimately, omitting the calling of deities, the bring down of divine energy in what ever form, could result in rituals without safe direction.

Examples in Practice…
The occultist believes that emotion is a force of an electrical type, and that in the case of the ordinary man it radiates out from him in all directions, forming a magnetic field; but in the case of the trained occultist it can be concentrated into a beam and directed.” (Dion Fortune, Psychic Self Defense)

Just as easily as this force can be used to Heal, it can be used to turn this “Emotional Body” black and perform works of revenge, destruction… evil.

In the book I am going to be quoting for the method of raising this energy, there is a ritual which involves screaming black emotional energy at a target, but warns not to touch them with it (Somewhere in Psychic Self-Defense by Dion Fortune, it explains why not to allow this black energy to contact the target, but exacly how it is worded and where the quote is escapes me).

One could easily direct this force to surround and oppress a target (a person you have made a magnetic connection with through psychometry or some other form) and seeing this psychic linked target being pushed and concealed in an object, such as a poppet (in low magick tradition).  This would be a work of Black Magick! The results could manifest perfectly, however, what follows it could not.  You will attract attention, you are not the only spiritual force out there.  Whether from a believed law of return or a believed guardian of the target, something will occur to reinstate the natural balance.  I mention this use, not as guidance in use, but rather what to avoid.  NEVER MAKE THE RAISED NEGATIVE ENERGY CONTACT THE TARGET!  Use it as a barrier if you will to reflect their negativity.  Use it to form and artifical elemental with the purpose of defending you from the emotions that it is formed from caused by the target.  Anything which is not designed to “harm”… “harm none”.

The Method of Raising…
From Konstantinos’ Nocturnal Witchcraft, page 81 – 82: Quick Energy Raising
“Think for a moment about something you like doing, or instead remember a decently fond memory.  Sense how your body responds to this positive stimulus, either as a tingling or a calming sensation.
Now think about what you’d consider your favourite thing, or person, or pastime, or cherished memory.  See how your body responds even more to this mental stimulus.
Then quickly switch to an unpleasant thought, shutting down for an instant the feelings you were generating. But before you have a chance to wallow in how empty your body feels. . . .
Immediately recall that best thought!  Go with whatever increase in physical excitement that you feel as a result. Tense your muscles slightly to help build the sensation.
With time and repetition, you’ll be able to summon such energy instantly, without relying on the associated memories.”

Your body should feel empty with the depressive thought, and should feel full with the happy thought.  The tensing aids in the directing of this energy (it also works as a form of “Anchoring” a psychological technique quite heavily used in “The New Hermetics” by Jason Newcomb).  Tensing the back of your shoulders works well.  Then when directing down your arm, tense your arm and feel (will the feeling to move) the fullness sensations generated by the positive memory moving into your arm, repeat tensing and push it out.  For example in casting a circle, stand at the eastern edge, pointing your Athame down, tense and raise energy, keep doing this until you feel full (about three times should suffice), then take a deep relaxing breath, and tense your arm, feel it shift into your arm willing it out your athame (the general impression will be of like a trickle coming out of the tip of the blade), then tense your arm again, will the energy out.  Your Athame should either give the impression of a light sabre (or a laser light, or a beam, nothing really matches the impression) now, or you’ll need to visualise this (Visualisation as a Tool blog I wrote covers why).  Visualisation does not make it fake, its like listening to the radio and picturing what you think the DJ’s look like, just because you don’t “see” them you imagined it, the other sensations, feelings, etc are there to verify its existence (the DJ’s or the energy).

Magick: The similarity between Wiccan Circle Casting and Golden Dawn Banishing Rituals.

Strange movements, drawing of imaginary shapes in the air, a monotonous drone of a strange language, imagined flowers popping open inside your body… all a lot like child’s play really.  However, there is a point to it all.

I just happened to meet a very interesting person when purchasing a book, an older gent who you would never take for practitioner of the occult, rather your “watch t.v, go fishing” sort of grandfather.  After a rather lengthy discussion, we kept in touch and (due to his initiation into the G.D) I asked about both the Lesser Banishing and Lesser Invoking Rituals of the Pentagram.  He summed up something I had been trying to explain for a while rather simply… (I will summerise, then show how this is an applicable example for Wicca)…

There is obviously something working behind all of this, otherwise people, such as myself, wouldn’t dedicate our lives to its (Magick’s) pursuit.  It seems rather childish to prance around drawing geometric figures in the air, and believing they are going to be a effective barrier against the hordes of hell (negative entities, energies, as your belief inclines. “Hordes of Hell” was his way, as with the prancing around, of emphasising the point).  The shapes are symbolic, the motions are symbolic, the Will… that is the barrier.  The Mind, that is the tool. He continued to explain, the flaming blue pentagrams act as targets for your vibration (When you vibrate the divine names and Angelic names during the Rituals) just like the visualise spheres are the concentration points in the middle pillar exercise.

To practically demonstrate this:
To Vibrate: Take a deep breath in, and with the entire breath out say the word in a monotonous sound (some say around natural “C”.  Wherever that is… I cant sing) inwardly, so it feels like your humming.  You should feel it vibrate.  A good single syllable is the Hindu “Om”.  And just space the “Oh” and “Mm” across the entire breath, without breaking the single sound.  When it comes to multiple syllables, each syllable is spread evenly across the entire breath.  Keeping with Hindi, you could try “Om namah Shivaya” which would divide the breath into six even parts.  (Om Nah Mah Shee Vah Yah – this is pronouncing each letter of the Sanskrit)
To Imagine a Target:  Visualise a white sphere in the nape of your neck (with visualisation I find it easiest to use memory, start by visualising a baseball there, then turn it into a pure white sphere, eventually the white sphere will became a memory available for memory recall), concentrate on it while vibrating your chosen word or sound (Middle Pillar would be “Yode-Heh-Vav-Heh El-Oh-Heem” though anything can be vibrated even “I Like Pie” and yield the result we want for this exercise).  You should feel that area vibrate.  Now imagine a larger ball in your chest, like a soccer or volley ball, glowing white, concentrate on it and vibrate your chosen word or words.  You should feel it vibrate in your chest.

Now, in the examples of Yoga and the Middle Pillar, the visualisation and the vibration is used to move energy (“all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration”).  The same way we focus on a singular point on ourselves is the same way we focus on a target outside of ourselves.  We are attempting to “trick” the brain into expanding our conciousness and send energy toward a target external of ourselves, through our “Sphere of Sensation” (aura, etc).

The goal of the LBRP is not only to raise the spiritual vibration or banish unwanted energies, but to help train the mind into directing energy outside of our physical bodies, expanding our awareness of our sphere of sensation as well as developing a “psychic awareness” slowly, along the way.

In Wicca, we have very similar methods, employing similar techniques (though less complex, yeilding the similar results).  Such as “Casting a Circle”, we are creating an imagined target and directing energy down our athame into it.  Whether your have used Divine energy like in my “Drawing down the Moon” or use another form such as Emotional Energy in Konstantinos’ Noctural Witchcraft or Physical energy such as singing and dancing in Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft to name just one.  You still direct it into the target, being the imagined circle.

The result is “Expansion of the Conciousness” and “Directing of Energy”.  Forming a barrier with the “Will”, rather than what the outsider would just see as silly flailing of limbs and childish roleplay.  Though very different systems of Magick, one based on the Qabala and the other Witchcraft, the underlying goal is the same in the Lesser Banishing Ritual and the Casting of the Circle.  Through concious Will, we expand our awareness and we create a barrier.

Drawing Down the Moon

In my opinion there are two mains ways to bring an increase of “light” or “energy” into your body.  One is to bring it down from a higher source, external of the physical self and the other is to awaken it from within you and raise it up.  There is a third way, which I will briefly mention in this introduction and you can look up further later.

The First Method of bringing “down” is what we are going to be working with in this post.

The Second Method of raising up, is used in practices such as Yoga.  Where the lower chakra is awaked, the serpent uncoils and winds its way up the remaining six chakras to awaken them all.

The Third is a method from Konstantinos’ Nocturnal Witchcraft, where it uses it as a “Quick Energy Raising” technique.  It works quite well, however, without a banishing, in the words of another occultist “you appear as a flash of white light to the dark entities”.  This flash of white light is emotional energy which they are said to feed on.  A properly consecrated building will keep them out, as these sorts of things can be quite distracting when knocking stuff around or appearing as black shadows rushing about outside your circle.

Drawing Down the Moon

What is “Drawing Down the Moon”?

If I command the moon, it will come down;” (Guiley, 1989, p. 107).  This quote about the Ancient Thessalian Witches[1] goes far to explain the following material, and is the basis of the exercise.

Drawing down the Moon is now commonly known in Gardnerian Tradition and Alexandrian Tradition Wicca covens as a group/coven exercise.  Gardnerian Tradition Wicca’s ritual of Drawing down the moon is as follows:

High Priestess stands in front of Altar, assumes Goddess position (arms crossed). Magus, kneeling in front of her, draws pentacle on her body with Phallus-headed Wand, invokes, “I Invoke and beseech Thee, O mighty Mother of all life and fertility. By seed and root, by stem and bud, by leaf and flower and fruit, by Life and Love, do I invoke Thee to descend into the body of thy servant and High Priestess [name].” The Moon having been drawn down, i.e., link established, Magus and other men give Fivefold Kiss:

(kissing feet) “Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways”;

(kissing knees) “Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar”;

(kissing womb) “Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be”;

(kissing breasts) “Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty and in strength”;

(kissing lips) “Blessed be thy lips, that shall speak the sacred names.”

Women all bow.

If there be an initiation, then at this time the Magus and the High Priestess in Goddess position (Arms Crossed) says the Charge while the Initiate stands outside the circle.  (Gardner, 1949, p. 5).

Alexandrian Tradition Wicca’s ritual of Drawing down the moon is similar, and is:

Drawing Down the Moon


  • Wand, Scourge, Priestess’ Athame
  • Priest, Priestess

Follows:  Casting Circle, Witches’ Rune

Next:  The Charge

HPS stands in God position in N. before altar, holding scourge and athame.  Coveners are in S. facing altar.  HP kneels before HPS and salutes her with the Fivefold kiss (as he kisses her womb, she opens into blessing position).  HP again kneels before HPS who stands in Goddess positon (right foot slightly forward). HP invokes the Goddess, saying:


I invoke thee and call upon thee,

Mighty Mother of us all,               (touch right breast)

bringer of all fruitfulness;             (touch left breast)

by seed and root,                             (touch womb)

by stem and bud,                             (touch right breast)

by leaf and flower and fruit,

by life and love                                  (touch womb)

do I invoke                                          (raising wand)

thee to descend upon the body

of this thy servant and priestess.

Here, speak with her tongue,

touch with her hands,

kiss with her lips,

that thy servants may be fulfilled.

As he invokes, HP touches HPS gently with wand upon r. breast, l. breast, womb and upon the same three places again.  As he finishes the invocation, he spreads his arms in adoration (still kneeling) and says:


Hail, Aradia ! From the Amalthean Horn

Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend

Before thee, I adore thee to the end,

With loving sacrifice thy shrine adorn.

Thy foot is to my lip [kiss], my prayers upborne

Upon the rising incense smoke; then spend

Thine ancient love, O Mighty One, descend

To aid me, who without thee am forlorn.

HP stands and takes a step back. All adore in silence as HPS traces invoking Earth pentagram in air before them with athame, saying:


Of the Mother, darksome and divine,

Mine the scourge, and mine the kiss,

The five-point star of love and bliss –

Here I charge you, in this sign.

This completes Drawing Down the Moon. HPS and HP now face the Coven and deliver the Charge.  (Sopia, Unknown, p. 56)

When you read these rituals it gives rise to the questions of “Sex magick” and eroticism in general.  And when you look at Ogden’s Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds you begin to see the quote “It is drawn down for the purpose of erotic attraction magic.” (p. 236) in relation to the modern Wiccan rituals.  But the symbolism in the ritual is what is important not the aspects which seem sexual.

These rituals in their complete forms are not the same as the exercise which will be covered in this post, but an important aspect still remains; the drawing into oneself, the Goddess in the form of the full moon.

Now, here comes the twist!  When I refer to “Drawing down the Moon”, the key word is “Drawing”.  Simon Craft in his book Maiden Moon: Advanced Wicca 101 says “Drawing Energy is literally tapping into a source of energy and pulling it to you. Anything that has energy can be drawn from.” (Craft, 2003, p. 118) From the perspective of the student of Wicca we are drawing energy from the Goddess in the form of the full moon.  The oddity here, is that we can Draw down the moon, without the presence of the Moon… make sense?  Maybe not, however, lets continue and it should all soon.


The Method

  1. Outside, stand facing the moon.  The height in the sky is not important, just insure that if you look up you can still see it without moving from your position. (Do if there is a Full Moon, otherwise stand wherever you wish)
  2. Standup straight, straight back, hands relaxed at your sides and feet about shoulder width apart (feet placement ensures stability during the exercise).
  3. Close your eyes, with your back straight so your face is looking forward.
  4. Breath slow and rhythmically.  Deep but comfortably, do not strain during inhales, exhales or holds.  Do this for a chosen number of times, however many it takes for you to feel relaxed.  Usually after meditating for a while, you can just think of the meditative state and in about 3 or 4, rhythmic breaths are you feeling quite relaxed.
  5. Open your eyes and gaze at the moon, do these gently and few a few seconds, then close your eyes again.  (Do this if using the full moon for inspiration, if not replace it with a glowing bright white light)
  6. With your eyes closed, visualise the moon as you saw her, but in a position above your head.
  7. When this visualisation is strong, see her alone in the darken sky and see her light growing stronger.  When you have this visualisation construct and easily maintained…
  8. Slowly raise your arms up toward her.  From your side, keeping your elbows straight, as you are making a big circle around you.
  9. When your arms are in direct line with your shoulders, so you are forming a human cross or little letter “t”.  Slowly begin to tilt your head back as your raise your arms to a “V” position, which would be like having one hand at the 11 o’clock position and the other at the 1 o’clock position.
  10. In the “V” position, turn your palms out, like you are about to catch a giant beach ball.
  11. When your palms are turned out, visualise the light of the moon beginning to touch them, feel what ever sensations come.
  12. Breath in, slowly and deeply, and as you do so, Feel the light being to enter your palms at the centre and slowly fill your hands to the wrist with this white light.
  13. Breath out, slowly and relaxed.  See the light intensify, and observe and accept any sensations which you physical feel.
  14. Turn your palms again, so your fingers are pointing toward each other.  As you breath in again, slowly and deeply, bring your hands down inline with your shoulders again, forming the little letter “t”, as you lower your arms also bring your head back to the looking forward, straight back, position.  As you lower your arms and are breathing in, see a shaft of light coming down from the source of light which filled your hands, it stays in level with your hands.  When it comes into contact with the crown of your head, feel it, see it.  As you lowers through your head see your entire head filled with light, as it lowers through you neck, see both your head and neck filled with light.  See the light slowly moving down with your arms, filling you, until your arms are in line with the shoulders.
  15. See the light fill to your chest, them see and feel it rush through your arms to connect with your hands.
  16. As you breath-out, see this light you have drawn glow brighter, feel its presence.  Reaffirm the visualisation.  And see the light filling like a bright ball at the crown of your head and in your chest where you sternum is.  Connecting the two is the shaft of light, but the light is throughout your body where you have drawn it to.  Just be aware they are connected by the light.
  17. Breath in again, and as you breath in, lower your arms until they are at your sides.  Visualise the light moving down through your torso, reaching the base of your spine, filling your abdomen, waist, including your genitals, to the top of your legs.  Become aware that the ground below your is also black, like the sky that was around the moon.
  18. Breath out and see all the previous visualisations.  See your body filled with light to the base of your spine, see the spheres of light on the crown of your head, at your heart and now begin to see one at the base of the spine, where the genitals are.
  19. As you breath in again, visualise the light racing through your legs, rushing to connect to the black earth below.  As it does see it fill your legs with the same light.
  20. Once this is done, focus solely on your body, and how it is filled with light, glowing bright.  Do a few rhythmic breaths seeing your body fill and glowing.  Now move on to whatever work you were going to do.

There is a bit of symbolism in this little ritual:

  • The first is that of the Full Moon.Rather than seeing the Full Moon as purely Feminine, it is seen by some to be the Union of the God and Goddess.  The Suns light on the maximum possible of the Moons surface: the total unity of the God and Goddess.  So you are drawing in a balance of both powers.  We have used this as a preparation for a few exercises which require the construction of the body of light and with assuming the roles of Goddesses and Gods in rituals.  By seeing it as drawing both powers, we have a preparation the minds of the individuals that one can assume both a Goddess and God form regardless of Gender.  A male can be the Warrior Goddess Athena, just as a female can be the Egyptian God of the Underworld Anubis.
  • The raising of the arms to a “V” position.  The V has three forms of symbolism in regards to the Goddess.  One is the “V” shape of the arms is a the Cup and the body is the stem.  The cup of which holds the element of Water, which is feminine and also attributed to the Moon.  The letter “V” also represents “Virgo the Virgin” which draws back to the previous symbolism of the Full Moon being a unity of the God and Goddess, the unity of a lovers embrace.  Going from the, what is referred to as the Maiden phase (waxing moon) of the Virgin, to the Mother phase (Full Moon).  The “V” finally represents the female reproductive organs.  If one were to create a downward pointing triangle with both their hands and place the thumbs on the “pubic line” (as I shall call it, and you can also do this if your male), this is the area where the female reproductive organs all fit when not pregnant.  Recoiling the thumbs we form the letter “V”.  The Earth is considered the Womb of our Great Mother.  The Earth is a feminine element and is also attributed to the Goddess.  The “V” in this sense symbolises our bringing of the light down to the Earth, through us.
  • By turning your palms as if you were catching a beach ball, you are symbolising openness.  As if one were to embrace or hug another.  You are opening yourself to the Goddess and to the receiving of her gift.
  • The symbolism of the Cross or little letter “t” is the symbol of humanity.  It is us, in a similar gesture to the previously mentioned… open and embracing.  It also symbolises in this ritual a direct connection with the divine.  On one side, if imagined is severity (cruelty) and the other mercy (weakness), balanced in between stands ourselves.  A direct path from Earth up to the divine is straight.  This represents our desire to be balanced, to not be cruel, but to not be weak, to be neither but rather both in their strengths and positive forms.  I guess, to not burn other religions at the stake for not following us, but at the same time not allowing others to oppress us, if that helps illustrate it.
  • The spheres are significant as focal points.  Though in Yoga you will be familiar with seven, in this exercise we only use three.  The Crown is used as the entry point, our connection with this divine source.  Our heart centre is used as this is our connection with our arms, as well as the centre of the previously mentioned cross.  The base of the spine sphere is used as our connection to the legs, which is our direct connection to the Earth.  All three of these correspond to three of the seven chakras used in Yoga, so it is not too far of a “stretch” for those who practice it.
  • The rushing of the light to meet the Earth.  Opposites attract, is one of the symbolic purposes.  The Earth being Dark, being a “earth” if we think in electrical terms.  Light and Dark are opposites so they attract, however in this sense both are forms of the Goddess.  The Moon controlling the tides: Water and the Earth, well, being the Earth.  “Like attracts Like” it is the Goddess unifying with herself.  The other symbolic use of this rushing to unite with the Earth is to remind us that this “light” is borrowed, we are filling our bodies while it rushes from the Goddess in one form to the Goddess in another, we have merely acted as a channel while taking our commission for making the connection.  Don’t worry about the literal sense of taking a “commission”, it is believed that all the energy returns to its source (part of the point of magick).



  • Guiley, R. (1989). The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft. New York, United State of America: Facts On File, Inc.
  • Ogden, D. (2002). Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A Sourcebook. New York, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
  • Gardner, G. (1949). The Gardnerian Book of Shadows. Unknown
  • Sopia, S. (Unknown). THE PUBLIC DOMAIN VERSION OF The Alexandrian Book of Shadows. Unknown



[1] For more information on the Thessalian Witches in regards to “Drawing Down the Moon” (Ogden, 2002, p. 236). Refer to reference list.

Free Resources: Maiden Moon & Dragon Tradition Book of Shadows

Maiden Moon: An Advanced Wicca 101
and A New Walk Down an Old Path: Dragon Tradition Wicca
– Simon Craft

I have heard both postive and negative remarks regarding these works.  Regardless, they where fundamental to my priliminary steps into the world of the craft.

I had extreme difficulty finding them online.  After I ransacked a bunch of my backups, I was lucky enough to find a copy of each.  It is a shame however, that the second work of Wicca I came across I couldn’t save, as it was a website: Wicca for Beginners.

However, even after online Yahoo! chats with Wiccans and joining physical groups and even a coven, these two works (the third and fourth I read) played a important role in my intial interest in the Craft.


Maiden Moon: An Advanced Wicca 101 ([PDF] – Download)


The Preface of the PDF…
“The title ‘Maiden Moon’ is a reference to the Goddess in Maiden form. It was chosen with respect to her symbolism of growth and idealism. It is hoped that the spirit of your entrance into Wicca will be the same.

Maiden Moon is a self-study guide for dedication into Wicca. It is not the ultimate resource on Wicca, nor is it meant to be. The teachings included are sufficiently broad to present Wicca with minimal bias. It is possible to use this book as an entrance to eclectic practice or any Wiccan tradition and apply what you have learned.

You will likely find that Maiden Moon is quite different from most modern (1990s+) books on Wicca. This book covers Wicca in all three forms namely: Eclectic, Reformed Traditional, and Orthodox Traditional. Most of today’s books only cover Eclectic Wicca and as such, present an incomplete and seriously biased teaching. Another difference is that Maiden Moon is quite open about issues commonly avoided by modern authors who overlook sensitive issues under the guise of being politically correct. When given the responsibility of honestly teaching Wicca, I cannot and will not overlook such issues.

I will not apologize if this book is more difficult than most. Wicca is a participatory religion that requires effort and self-discipline to learn. If you want a soft friendly “Easy Wicca in Ten Minutes” then this book is not for you.

On a final note, please be aware that I am not trying to push you into Wicca; in fact, quite the opposite is true. If Wicca does not fit you personally, then keep looking for what does fit. It is not my place to tell you what to believe.

Best Wishes,
Simon Craft”

[PDF – 1.74MB] MaidenMoon.pdf – Download


A New Walk Down an Old Path: Dragon Tradition Wicca ([PDF] – Download)


The Books Preface…
“Dragons are commonly symbolic of honor, strength and transformation. Dragon Tradition was created to fill the need for a Wiccan tradition that fits the spirit and encourages eclectic choice. It was named Dragon Tradition as a new tradition with an attitude of strength, honor, self-determination, and confidence.

You will find that Dragon Tradition is not buried in strict archaic rules or swimming in medieval mumbo-jumbo. Dragon Tradition embraces nature and magick in a way that is truly Wiccan and yet is flexible and clearly defined.

Dragon Tradition teaches how to be eclectic in beliefs and ritual practice without losing touch with the spirit of Wicca. In breaking from the norm of strict circle work and degree hierarchy, we feel we bring a much happier and cleaner energy to the circle.

Church of Magick serves as the central organization for Dragon Tradition providing members with the support and representation of a legally recognized Wiccan church. It is time for Wiccan traditions to be organized and speak for themselves rather than allow the confused all-inclusive voice of Wicca to speak for them.

Long live the Dragon!

– Simon Craft”

[PDF – 689KB] DragonTradition.pdf – Download