Lighting a Candle

I was asked “If all aspects of Magickal rituals are filled with symbolism, what is the symbolism of using a candle?” …*

Candle Magick is possibly one of the most popular forms of spell work/ritual available with many books published on the topic.  Including two very popular ones from the same author “Practical CandleBurning Rituals” and “Advanced Candle Magick” both by Raymond Buckland.


Beyond all the colours, smells and symbols there is symbolism in the lighting and burning of the candle itself.  Please note however, this is my personal opinion and symbolism of my own creation.  It is not universally accepted and I have not seen anything published publically about it at this point.  However, the symbolism is rather simple so I am sure something similar would already exist.

Lets assume you have already began your ritual, you have a black candle setup and all your initial work such as charging the candle (filling with energy) has been complete and you are about to light it.  This is where this explanation of the symbolism kicks off.  (I recommend using “Black” candles by default when charging with energy, this is because of blacks receptive nature.  However, feel free to use any symbolic colour you prefer.  I also use other symbolism depending on the ritual, for example: White to light the working area, and black as the charged candle and vice versa.  Black to light the working area, to absorb any negative energy that would attempt to move in and interfere with the ritual, and white because it represents “Light” and does not so easily absorb energy, which would include energies which would interfere with the energy you have moved into the candle.)


These three aspects combined create the symbolism of the Candle and its flame.

blacktaper1. The Colour:  Simply, black absorbs energy.  Its use in this explanation is for the feminine principle in its “Receptive” nature (gender principles do not refer to actual physical genders… an explanation of this would require its own blog.  If you get all anti as a few have in my experience, you are not yet ready to be working any of the material in my posts and I suggest more theory work).

2. The Candle: The candle represents “stability” and “form” and is also feminine in its principle.  It also represents “Earth” and the “dark” creative womb of the Mother.

3. The Flame: The flame represents the counter part (some Wiccans would describe this as the “Consort”) of the Black candle: Light of the Flame – Black of the Candle.  It represents the masculine principle in “Force”.  It also represents the element of “Fire” and the flame of spirit.


The Lighting of the Candle:

When the candle stands alone, uncharged, before you being to “impregnate” it with your will.  It represents the Dark void – nothingness.  It represents “Form” without “Force”.

Once the candle has been charge with your “Will” and filled with “Energy” it now has a force dormant within it.  “Impregnated” with your will.

Lighting the Candle represents the “Force” which puts motion and action into the form.  The flame represents the life force of the candle.  From its birth into life at its lighting, to its death when its physical matter is destroyed and the flame extinguished.

In the lighting and burning down of the candle, one does not destroy the other.  Rather they unify to create.  Bring into being the “Will” or “goal” which the ritual was directed toward.  For a simple example, you can liken it to the Phoenix, which destroys (burns) itself and from the ashes a new phoenix arises.  The physical being of the candle once lit can be liken also to some theories around what happens after our lives, while the flame of life burns within us, we are learning and working toward our spiritual goals.  While the flame of the candle is burning, it is working toward the goal with which we have charged it.  Once completely burnt out, its energy is then release, as our spirit is released from our physical body, to complete its “spiritual” work.

The energy impregnated into the form and given purpose through our will is released upon the destruction of its physical form.  It is “Passive” in its form (charged candle), “Active” in its release (lit candle) and is “Formative” as a result.


The destruction of one form to build anew the next.
*… And I answered: “In candle magick; we Destroy to Recreate”.

Coven Attendance

Sunday Morning and the bell tolls for the church across the road.  The perfect alarm to start making a coffee.

Last week, this had me thinking, the minimum expected attendance for our coven member is only 8 days.  The Church across the road… around 52 days.  Dragging myself out of bed in the morning is hard enough, without sacrificing every weekend also.

I have decided to share the Attendance expectations of my coven and some others I have meet with.

Our Coven… You are expected to attend the eight Major dates (The wheel of the Year).  We do hold a few nights, about 4 to 8 a year which we meet for the full and new moons.

Other Covens… Expectations are either non-existant, similar or more extreme.  Some meet Every Full Moon and the eight major dates.  Others seem to have member come and go without any knowing due to no expectation.

The theory behind our Covens design is:

Major Dates:
We can meet and due group rituals at this time.  Discuss coven “Business”, perform “Initiations”, have the majority of the Coven present when a potential Fledgling visits for the first time, etc, etc.

Some Full and New Moons:
During Full and New moons a lot of members like to do their own “personal” workings.  By creating a few “optional” meetings during these moon phases (especially applicable to new members) we can cover some ritual basics: Theory and Practice.

Even though we say these dates are “Expected”.  The expectation is that you attend, or notify the High Priest/ess of your absence.  This keeps us informed that you are still a member or wanting to retain membership.  Just like some work place situations, three strikes and your out… kind of.  After three absences without notification to the “Expected” meetings and you forfeit your voting rights when electing the next High Priest and High Priestess as well as your rights for advancement (you stay in the current Degree + Grade and when/if you return you start that term from the beginning).  The High Priest/ess is expected to attempt to contact you, if no contact is made and a 4th date is missed; membership is revoked.

Why so strict?  Because we have initiation and advancement dates, by not notifying the Coven it messes with the dates causing delays for other members.  This is why, if you are due for advancement and you only make contact on before the 4th date, you have to start the term again, because your reserved place for advancement would’ve well passed and have been push back.

Structures and Systems are what have kept our Coven alive.  A lot fall apart because there is no base understanding, no knowing of the expectations.  You attend one of the main meetings, and you are informed of the up and coming optional meetings, as well as initiation and advancement dates.  Communication is Key!  If you join a Coven, my advice is to get as much time in as you can in the early stages.  Discover the rules/mutual agreements as well as ritual techniques the coven employ, even if they are dissimilar to your own preferred method.  Personal ritual work can always be uniquely yours, but coven work has usually been worked upon and agreed upon by members so that all are happy with the system.

Rise, O my snake!

When rituals beyond lighting candles and mumbling some poetry begin, some strange feelings can occur.

When you begin to raise and direct energy, assume god forms or attempt to go out of body, these feelings will occur.

In the West we gained enlightenment and developed spiritually through Ritual, while in the East they used Meditation.  Merging the two together, West and East, as with God and Goddess, Mercy and Severity, Yin and Yang, and so on.  We can form a total system.

Some Wiccans incorporate Yoga such as Kundalini, which I will be covering here, because it is far easier and more a stable method of attaining the same results.  Rather than just from intense ritual work for this spiritual awakening.

Just because one Speaks Spanish, does not mean they can not enjoy Sushi.  Just because one Practices Martial Arts, does not me they can not be peaceful.  The same applies to Wicca and Kundalini, just because ones religion is Wicca, does not mean they can not practice Yoga.  Merging Kundalini and other forms of Yoga into your system is fairly simple, or you can keep it separate, the same way you would go to the gym for exercise and go to your sacred space for magick.  Just because you practice magick, does not mean you can not practice rowing.

Take a look at how Aleister Crowley merged Kundalini with his system in this beautiful piece:

I am the Heart; and the Snake is entwined
About the invisible core of the mind.
Rise, O my snake! It is now is the hour
of the hooded and holy ineffable flower.
Rise, O my Snake, into the brilliance of bloom
On the corpse of Osiris afloat in the tomb!
O heart of my mother, my sister, mine own,
Thou art given to Nile, to the terror Typhon!
Ah me! but the glory of ravening storm
Enswathes thee and wraps thee in frenzy of form.
Be still, O my soul! that the spell may dissolve
As the wands are upraised, and the aeons revolve,
Behold! in my beauty how joyous Thou art,
O Snake that caresses the crown of mine heart!
Behold! we are one, and the tempest of years
Goes down to the dusk, and the Beetle appears.
O beetle! the drone of Thy dolorous note
Be ever the trance of this tremulous throat!
I await the awaking! The summons on high
From the lord Adonai, from the Lord Adonai!

The Golden Dawn also had a method vary similar to Kundalini work.

The Qabalistic Cross, instead of moving up from the base chakra, came down from just above the head, and down into the floor.  Then from the heart centre spread out to each side.  From a Kundalini sense, we could see this as work on our Arms and Legs, in preparation for Kundalini.

The Middle Pillar, this is by far the most obvious.  Down from Kether, just above the crown light is drawn to the throat center, then to the heart center, the base center and to the feet and at either side stands the two pillars.  This symbolised the Man on the tree of life.  I did not agree completely with Regardie’s view on this, I believed that the 7 chakra can be likened to 7 aspects of the tree.  Kether = The Crown, the synthesis of Chokma and Binah = The Brow, the synthesis of Chesed and Geburah = The Throat, Tiphareth = The Heart, the synthesis of Netzach and Hod = The Solar Plexus, Yesod = The abdomen and Malkuth the Base chakra.  The arms and legs already worked in the Qabalistic cross and also the belief in one of the simplest forms of Qabala, the Tree of 11 sephiroth was the Evil Tree.  The goal is not to assimulate oneself with the Tree of the Qlippoth, but with the Tree of Life.  Not including Daath, but eventually returning Tiphareth to its correct place (Daath) that was left after the fall.


In Wicca Kundalini can be merged in many ways, and this is totally up to your creative skills.  There is no set way to merging, and to my knowledge there is no Wiccan Tradition which directly mentions Kundalini, though practices (as with Crowley’s and the Golden Dawns previously mentioned) that are very similar do exist.

Raising Kundalini.

There are many ways of raising Kundalini.  The quickest way, and probably the most dangerous way is to overload/over stimulate the base chakra.  When the base chakra is overloaded it bursts with energy that moves upward, activating all the other chakra until it reaches full Kundalini or hits a blockage.
Another way, is longer, but said to be safer.  And that is to stimulate all your chakra, one at a time, work them a prepare them attempting to remove any blockages.  Then stimulate each chakra until you feel the “pressure” one at a time from the base to the Crown.  This can in itself trigger kundalini, but usually the base is stimulated to the overload point again, and Kundalini Awakens.
Another method is with long meditation sessions just moving your consciousness up and down your spine, around your aura, etc, in a fashion you choose.

My Recommended Method

Spend a bit of time “opening” or “stimulating” each of the chakras.  Don’t just overload the base and expect it to work, it can cause some serious discomfort and the need to stop practice if it hits a blockage with too much force.  Working the other chakra and even the path prior to attempting to raise Kundalini will reduce this risk.  For those who have practiced the above Western methods of the Cross and Pillar, the path is prepared, the 7 chakra now just need to be prepared and full Kundalini is not far off.


There are many good books of Kundalini.  Basic principle.  Don’t buy to deeply into the scare tactics, though some dangers do exist, I am sure there are thousands of people who practice Kundalini who well say differently.
Find a system you like.  I recommend reading both the Modern methods and the more traditionally correct methods.  You will find modern works which remove the core and create, through the authors practical experience, a method which delivers results quicker.  Similar to Crowley’s work in Book 4 part 1 which summed up the main points of importance and allowed people to gain a good level in Dharana in a few months, rather than spending years learning and mastering countless Asana before even glimpsing Dharana (Dharana being of great importance in Magick — loosely translating to “Concentration”).

Elemental Placements… so much arguing

It seems everyone likes to force their way of doing things upon the entire coven, mine included. It always seems when we get a new person visit or join, the first thing they do is question everything and not in the good way rather; “why are you doing it like that? ‘Golden Monkey Claw Flying Heathen Rose Bud’ says…”  As though the one over priced book they read (or partially read) is the Holy Law passed down by the most high deities to the New Age book store from which they purchased it… sorry, its not.

In Wicca


When opening the Circle in Wicca in the Northern Hemisphere most covens would agree upon:
East = Air, South = Fire, West = Water and North = Earth
In the Southern Hemisphere some covens use the Northern approach, while other invert North and South:
East = Air, South = Earth, West = Water and North = Fire
In the Southern Hemisphere most who use this Inverted south and north method move Widdershins (anti-clockwise) rather than Deosil (clockwise).

The Theory behind the Southern Method:

  1. Why Widdershins:  You move in the direction the water goes down the drain (the Earths magnetic field)
  2. Why invert North and South:  If you stop at the Equator for North and South at the pole.  The Northern most part of the Southern Hemisphere is Hottest and the Southern most part of the Hemisphere is Coldest.  While reversed in the North, south being the Equator and North being the pole.

All of these are based on symbolism.  I personally have found both methods work, regardless of Hemisphere.  Practical experience has shown me, you make energy move in one direction – it moves in that direction.  You move energy in the opposite direction – it stops its movement (dissipates).
Most rituals are rich in symbolism and I believe the Southern approach has a nice mix of modern (magnetic fields) and more earthly ideas (equators).

However, it does not mean it is the only way to do it in the South, nor does it mean the Northern approach can not be used.


I have used the Northern approach in Australia and was told quite bluntly; “its a negative movement to move deosil in the Southern Hemisphere”… Really? (Side note: a successful ritual).  It is all about symbolism, as I mention earlier, you move energy in one direction – it will move.

Three bits of symbolism (there is a lot more):

  1. Moving Clockwise you are moving “Righteously” or to the “Right” or “Sinister” to the “Left”.
  2. Moving “righteously” following the course of the Sun, from rising in the East and setting in the West.
  3. The stabilising of “Force” with “Form”:  The masculine elements are considered Active (Force) and the feminine elements are considered Passive (Form).  By having the two masculine elements first, their active energies are stabilised and given foundation in the Feminine elements.

Other Ritual Uses

The Hexagram Ritual

In this ritual we have:
East = Fire, South = Earth, West = Air and North = Water
Rather than following the placements in the pentagram rituals, this ritual follows the elemental associations with the Zodiac (listed in an earlier blog past: Astrology Basics) starting with Fire (some associate with Aries being he most common “First” sign, others Leo… both fire, so it is of no real concern as the elemental associations are still the same.  Other than Leo becomes the Kerubic sign of the group, rather than Taurus) and ending with Water.Hexagrams
This, as anyone who have studied the systems of Crowley, the Golden Dawn, and so on will say that this ritual is “Higher” than the pentagram ritual.  The pentagram having the four lower points in Malkuth (the kingdom: “in our Elemental Kingdom”) and the upper point in Yesod (the foundation: The Astral), the base point of the Hexagram associated with the Moon (which is also associated with the Astral light and Yesod) sits in Yesod and the upper point in Daath (not considered by all a Sephiroth, the system I used saw it as the “shell” left when Tiphareth fell during the fall from the Garden of Eden.  11 Sephiroth of the Fallen tree and correcting by managed to place Tiphareth back in the place of Daath… but this is another topic).  Without going to deep, in that system there are four “worlds” Malkuth being “Assiah” and the Hexagram sits in “Higher” ones.

The Cross

The Simple “Cross” ritual is based upon “Equilibration” of forces, keeping “Air” in the East.ritualofthecross
East = Air, South = Fire, West = Earth and North = Water
Fire is invoked First in the South, then Water is invoked in the North.  Fires masculine Force to its counter part in Waters Feminine Form.  Air is considered in some systems to be the “Child of Fire and Water”, it then follows.  Air is invoked third in the East, and then Earth is invoked fourth in the West, once again “Force to Form” for stability.

This is also the method employed in the Enochian system.  Invoking Fire first, then Water, then Air and then Earth (most likely where the Cross ritual was drawn from).  Examples of this can be found in Regardie’s “Opening by the Watchtower”.

The Triquetra Ritual of the Pentagram

This is a ritual I wrote as an Elder to create your own ritual and explained the symbolism.  To sum it up simply:
North East = Spirit
North East is where the top point of the pentagram is placed and the other points then represent their respective elements.  This throws off all the quarters in tradition.  Quick summary why North East is chosen for “Spirit” is: 1. In the Golden Dawn system you stand in the North East and announce “Hekas Hekas Este Bebeloi!” and spirit in this ritual is the start point in both Banishing and Invoking. 2. In the Tattwa system, North East is associated with Spirit/Akasha. 3. North in the Pentagram is the most dense of the Elements and Air the least (minus fire the catalyst).  Between the binding these two extremes (and all the other elements of cause) is “Spirit”.TRotP
Rather than the concept of “Force and Form” which is most commonly employed, the movements around the pentagram are based on “Science” in a sense.  Following Density rather than the principle of Gender.
Earth = Solid, Water = Liquid, Air = Gas and Fire = Heat (the catalyst).
To Invoke – Bring spirit down into the circle:
Spirit, Fire, Air, Water, Earth and finish at Spirit.  (Moving Clockwise)
To Banish – Returning spirit:
Spirit, Earth, Water, Air, Fire and finish at Spirit.  (Moving Anti-clockwise)
As you will see however, the Masculine is “Invoked” first again and stablised in the Feminine (I neglected to mention that to the new comer, who was enthralled in the idea of not genderising the elements. I’m sure if she is still practising, she would relise what I did there).

The Triquetras are used as the symbol for the Invoking.  Top point associated with the All, the lower left with the “Goddess” 220px-Intersection_of_3_circles_0_svgand the lower right with the “God” (an issue was raised again, why is the Goddess on the left and not the right. So I will explain the same thing I said to her, “I face you and draw the Goddess on the left, what side do you see it on?  Your right.  Good.  Now you understand within each gender principle are more principles which balance: left and right, light and dark, life and death.  You understand?  The Goddess is on both the Right and the Left, the God is on both the right and the left.  It is just a matter of perspective”).  When, for example on the point of Fire for invoking, you would drive the triquetra from the top point of the all, down the edge of the right most circle (the three intersecting circles which create the triquetra) to the lower right point, then complete the diagram returning to the top point.  Finally drawing the elemental symbol of fire (the triangle).  Moving down the line of the pentagram to the next element air, then moving down the next line to Water.  At Water you would draw the Triquetra starting at the top point of “the All” and moving down the edge of the left most circle to the lower left point, then complete the diagram returning to the top point.  Finally drawing the elemental symbol of water (the triangle).
You will also notice with the drawing of the triquetras that the forces join, as with any continuous shape.  Invoking a masculine principle is followed by the feminine (lower right to lower left) and invoking the feminine principle is followed by the masculine (lower left to lower right).  Coming from the originating source and returning to it “I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union”.


As I said earlier… “Practical experience trumps any theory work”.  Read up, study, understand the principles behind the ideas.  Practice them and find what works.  You will be amazed.  You can quickly discern which authors are actually practicing magicians/witches/occultists from those who are just trying to make a quick buck.
The other thing you will notice, is that results follow.  Positive or Negative – Results.  As long as you know how to correct errors, you will be fine with experimentation.  I was a bit concerned when first making so many modifications in the construction of the above ritual: Using triquetras and completely repositioning the quarters.  There was only one way to find out what would happen, and it was to put my theory to practice.

A Bit of History: Hammer of the Witches

The Malleus Maleficarum (commonly rendered into English as “Hammer of [the] Witches”; Der Hexenhammer in German) is a treatise on the prosecution of witches, written in 1486 by Heinrich Kramer, a German Catholic clergyman. The book was first published in Speyer, Germany, in 1487. Jacob Sprenger is also often attributed as an author, but some scholars now believe that he became associated with the Malleus Maleficarum largely as a result of Kramer’s wish to lend his book as much official authority as possible. Both purported writers of the work were Dominican clergy, and the work came about as “the result of a peculiarly Dominican encounter between learned and folk traditions, an encounter determined in part by the demands of inquisitorial office, and in part by the requirements of effective preaching and pastoral care.”Template:Broedel In 1490, three years after its publication, the Catholic Church condemned the Malleus Maleficarum, although it was later used by royal courts during the Renaissance, and contributed to the increasingly brutal prosecution of witchcraft during the 16th and 17th centuries.

Kramer wrote the Malleus shortly after being expelled from Innsbruck by the local bishop after a failed attempt to conduct his own witchcraft prosecution. Kramer’s purpose in writing the book was to explain his own views on witchcraft, systematically refute arguments claiming that witchcraft does not exist, discredit those who expressed skepticism about its reality, claim that those who practised witchcraft were more often women than men, and to convince magistrates to use Kramer’s recommended procedures for finding and convicting witches.


The Malleus Maleficarum (via Sacred Texts)

Normally for our Coven the Malleus Maleficarum only holds importance during Samhein for two reasons: Remembering of our ancestors, and the death of innocent people at the hands of fanaticism, ignorance and discrimination regardless if they were pagan or not.  A very beautiful and symbolic ritual of remembrance was created by one of the Elders around these events.

History is not always pleasant, and magick/witchcraft is not always fairies, rainbows and red wine reflecting the light of the Lady upon its surface.  People tend to forget these things to quickly, and then scoff at Covens who hold some Secrets for the sake of Tradition.  The Burning Times are the darkest patch in the History of Witchcraft, and it is in honour of it that Covens like mine hold some Secrets (usually just the identity of members).  We still live in a world full of Religious Fanatics and as open and free we can be now, the dangers still exist.  However not in the form of a stake and a fire, but home made explosives.  I guess the most common saying around major losses and times of war hold ground here…


And in the words spoken by the High Priestess of my Coven at Samhein… “Never again, The Burning Times”.

Keywords – Important underlying principles

Imagination -> Will -> Energy

Thought and Thought

Imagination -> Will -> Energy: Are three key aspects in Ritual working. Thought and Thought: Are two key aspects when working with other intelligences.

Imagination -> Will -> Energy

Take the banishing ritual of the pentagram for an example.penta Imagination: You visualise the pentagram.  This gives use a outline, a template, a point of focus.  Our mental creation. Will: We give this creation purpose, direction, intent.  Force.  The purpose of “Banishing”. Energy: Whether directing energy, vibrating, etc. Energy gives it form.  While penetrable on our physical plane, noticeable only by those sensitive enough, the energy gives it form on other planes. Two principles formed from these three actions are:  Force and Form. Visualisation is our Imagination.  The working with the intent of banishing is our Will.  And the vibration or raising and releasing of energy into the visualised image is our Energy.

Thought and Thought

In a simplified sense we have two layers of thought, thus the title “Thought and Thought”. Questions: What language do people who speak Spanish think in?  What language do people who speak English think in?  What language to bi-lingual people think in? Bi-lingual people can think in either language for the exact same thought.  This is the first Thought, the thought they can think in either language.  The second thought isn’t actually a thought, but is rather what we consider the thought: The expression in language.  Before we had language, how would we understand our thoughts?  Did we just not think, because we did not have language? The point of this is based on understanding why spirit communication can be confusing or not make sense.  The spirits know the first thought, the thought before we put it into words.  When they communicate, it is on the layer of the first thought, and we then interrupt that into something we can understand: Language, images, etc. Though this is definitely not the only form of communication.  Hearing a voice completely foreign to your own, or seeing an image or form before you are different.  This “Thought and Thought” is a way of understanding the mind for both communicating with spirits and other mental workings, for nested within this concept are some ideas around “Telepathy”. I was planning on writing on these further down the track, and expanding on them dramatically.  However, I have decided to share now (don’t know why I changed my mind, just felt the impulse to blog).  They are not “secret” but seem to be little known, forgotten or misunderstood aspects of Magick.  And in my opinion are very important principles to know.